This is a frequently asked question?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What if I need more than training?

No problem. We're happy to. In addition to developing the custom training program for you and your teams, we can also consult you directly. We offer advising and consulting services through our network of expert consultants from the sector and subject matter experts.

Are workshops private?

Our workshops take a variety of formats. You can hire Good Growth Company trainers to come into your organization to train you and your team, or to train your members or participants in private sessions. We do not currently offer group cohort training where you will be mixed with other organizations. However, that is something that we are open to. You can find that group training that is not private through our free sessions and then link to the free sessions.

What are all the different formats?

Good Growth believes that there are a variety of ways to consume information and certain types of topics, and information is best presented in certain ways and certain people learn or absorb the information differently. The majority of our training is delivered through online or in-person workshops that are approximately 1 hour in length, up to 90 minutes in length, so we can go deep on a specific topic. All of our sessions include presentations as well as Q&A. We believe that in some cases, in many cases, the question and answer period with your organization directly asking our leaders, our experts questions can be the most unique and valuable component. Otherwise, this direct access to experts would typically be harder to arrange and much more costly. We offer subscription packages or recurring memberships as well.