How can AI actually help nonprofits?

The future of work is unpredictable yet exciting for nonprofits, the organizations that are solving some of society’s biggest challenges.

How can AI help?

Here are a few ways:

  • Free up time for nonprofits to focus on strategic and relationship-building work that can’t easily be done by Al

  • Innovate in how complex social problems are solved

  • Grow with the emergence of new tech-driven jobs and skills

Some of this is already happening. But to seize the opportunities in a way that doesn’t create harm and inequities, the ONN argues that the sector will need to have a seat at the table to shape public policy responses to Al.

AI will impact security, organizational change, accessibility, donor perception and more — but nonprofit organizations can overcome the challenges of AI by keeping humans and thoughtful intention at the center of AI transformation.

The Ontario Nonprofit Network is advocating and educating on AI for the sector. Read The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (Al) on Canada’s Nonprofit and Charitable Sector from November and the blog Nonprofits are leading in the era of Artificial Intelligence contributed by Devi Thomas, the global head of Nonprofit Community Capacity at Microsoft Philanthropies, from which this video was inspired.

The Good Growth Company is upskilling nonprofits to increase their impact, with AI at hand.
Connect with us today for training, membership and consulting.

How can AI can enhance nonprofit operations and impact?

Here are several specific examples of how artificial intelligence can significantly enhance nonprofits and charities:

  1. Improved fundraising efficiency: AI tools can analyze donor data to identify promising prospects for major gifts or planned giving. Machine learning algorithms can predict donor behaviour and preferences, allowing for more targeted and personalized fundraising campaigns.

  2. Time-saving automation: AI can automate routine tasks like drafting thank-you letters, newsletters, and grant proposals, freeing up staff time for more strategic work. For example, some fundraisers report saving hours each week by using AI to help draft and edit communications.

  3. Enhanced donor engagement: AI-powered chatbots can provide 24/7 support to donors, answering questions and guiding them through the donation process. This can improve donor satisfaction and retention.

  4. Data analysis and insights: AI can quickly analyze large datasets to uncover patterns and trends, helping nonprofits make more data-driven decisions about programs and resource allocation.

  5. Fraud detection: AI algorithms can monitor financial transactions and flag suspicious activity, helping protect nonprofits from fraud.

  6. Improved volunteer management: AI tools can help match volunteers with appropriate opportunities based on their skills and interests, optimizing volunteer engagement.

  7. Enhanced storytelling: Virtual and augmented reality powered by AI can create immersive experiences that help donors connect emotionally with a cause.

  8. Operational efficiency: AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can monitor and manage operations, potentially reducing costs.

While AI offers significant benefits, nonprofits must also consider ethical implications and establish policies for responsible AI use. It's crucial to maintain human oversight and ensure AI is used in ways that align with the organization's mission and values.

Time to upskill your team to utilize AI?

Connect with The Good Growth Company team for training, consulting or an intro to experts from our roster. If you’re looking for ongoing mentorship and support for your organization, you can also join our membership here.


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